
Making It Your Web

We Build Your Sites The Way You Want Them


YourSiteAdmin Site
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Custom CMS
  • Site API

YourSiteAdmin is a Content Management System, or CMS, built by us to manage the content, images, shops, blogs and everything else our sites need. It has an API so can be used anywhere and not just by us.

As well as being a CMS, YourSiteAdmin has a built-in calendar, To-Do system, complete help & support system as well as help guides for each section and your Google Analytics reports right from your own Dashboard. If there's something it doesn't do, chances are we'll build it in!

Paul Bourne Plumbing

Paul Bourne Plumbing Site
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Responsive
  • Custom Gallery

Paul Bourne Plumbing uses YourSiteAdmin as a CMS to supply content, images and handle enquires, all built by us here.

It uses a custom design built by Matthew Mace that has been made fully responsive for mobile browsing.

It also has a custom implementation of a jQuery-based gallery we built and use for various projects. We weren't really given any specifications to work with for the actual site other than that it had a CMS and gallery so this is what we came up with given free reign.

Hot Cross Design

Hot Cross Design Site
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Custom jQuery Plugin

The specification for Hot Cross Design was extremely specific and we were only too pleased to delivery what was asked for! To create the page slider we wrote a custom jQuery plugin that fetches pages on the fly and adds them to a "list" of pages that can then be scrolled.

There is also a gallery and content switcher built in to a couple of the slides and originally a crossword that functioned really well but was later removed. We had a lot of fun building this site despite it's overly orange flavour!

Tim Hall Photography

Tim Hall Photography Site
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Custom Gallery
  • PayPal Integration

Tim Hall Photography was also built to a very specific set of instructions with a little artistic flair thrown in. The biggest challenge was adding PayPal integration for prints, but allowed us to write a custom plugin for YourSiteAdmin to handle the setting up of prices and options for the photos on the site.

The gallery is similar to the one on Paul Bourne Plumbing but with the addition of a "buy" button and slightly different styles. Again, the content is served from YourSiteAdmin so has a fully fledged CMS as part of the package.

We Writeview all

Vertically Split Coloured Text

I was presented with the problem of creating vertically different coloured text without using CSS3 gradients! Here's how I ta...

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How To Get Anti-Aliased Fonts From G...

Google's hosted font library requests the wrong font type for Chrome users. Here we show you how to bypass this to get anti-a...

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Find The Distance Between Two Addres...

I've written a Chrome Extension to compliment my popular tool to find the distance between two addresses using Google Maps.

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Chrome Extension Development

Check out my four various Chrome extensions that I've written for Google Chrome to help make your lives easier!

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The Problem With Underlines

Have you ever considered that underlines might render differently depending on the browser/resolution/font you use? I hadn't...

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Helping Towards Informative Links

There has been some discussion recently about whether and how to display icons for specific link types. This looks at one way...

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We Build You Toolsview all

YouTube Playlist RSS Feed Creator

The YouTube Playlist RSS Feed Creator tool allows you to quickly and easily create an RSS feed from any...

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Link And Page Rank Checker

This tool will show you the page rank for a given domain and check your sitemap file for links that have been crawled but aren't in your si...

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Campaign Tracking Tags

This tool will create URLs that will allow you to add tracking to your site so you can follow your visitor trends with ease. Google Analyti...

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Lat Long Generator

The latitude and longitude generator takes a string of text, or a URL, and looks for specific address details within that string and returns a...

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Meta Tag Generator

The meta tag generator is a simple tool that will create for you the correct meta tags based on what you are looking for your page...

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My IP Neighbours

This tool will tell you all of the domains of other sites hosted at the same I.P as yours. All you need to do is tell us your domain and...

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