This is a test to show you what this script will do. Hopefully a very nice little caption will appear when you rollover the image, which is pink!
This one should do exactly the same as the other one and I have just put it in here as a bit of a test to show you how it looks with more images.
And one more to do exactly the same as the other one and I have just put it in here as a bit of a test to show you how it looks with more images.
As a follow up to the blog on DeVSeO I created this example page so you can more easily see the code and content behind creating simple image captions using the YUI JavaScript library. If you view the JavaScript you can easily see how this has been put together. Or visit the blog for a tutorial.
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Donec ut sapien urna, in pellentesque velit. Sed ornare tincidunt risus at commodo. Sed odio sapien, hendrerit vitae blandit nec, consectetur vel tellus. Nam gravida lectus a neque volutpat semper volutpat nisl varius. Suspendisse rutrum leo ac augue viverra commodo. Nunc adipiscing luctus odio, ac dapibus metus luctus non. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis luctus luctus quam, sit amet sollicitudin metus commodo in.