
Making It Your Web

Sitemap Generator

  • Created 19th May 2009 @ 10:25:42
  • Last update 27th Jan 2014 @ 00:33:19
  • By Alex Hall

This free sitemap generator tool will look through all of the pages on your site and generate a sitemap for in XML, HTML and as a download link to a compressed and none-compressed version of the XML sitemap. Our free sitemap generator tool is here to help you quickly and easily build a sitemap to submit to Google.

A sitemap is exactly what it sounds like, a map of all the pages within your website. The primary reason for having one is for when your page is indexed by the search engine spiders, as soon as the spider arrives at your page it uses the sitemap to look at all the different pages you have on your website so it knows where all your pages are and what they are called. The benefit of this is that the search engine can easily find all of your pages which, much like having an actual map, makes it more efficient getting from A to B (or in this case, the start to the end of your website).

Use our free sitemap generator tool to create your sitemap xml file now.

Once your sitemap has been created we'll post the links to it here.

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